Link Metrics To Check Before You Work On Backlinks

Link Metrics To Check Before You Work On Backlinks

Search engine optimization relies heavily on link building. The more trustworthy sites link to yours, the better. Since Google’s goal is to provide users with useful results, the search engine takes a site’s credibility into account when determining its relevance. Your site’s credibility will increase in direct proportion to the quantity and quality of the links leading to it.

You can’t expect to outrank the competition if you don’t build links. Google places a high value on inbound links from other sites; without them, your site will likely not rank well. It’s a numbers game; to outrank your rivals, you need more backlinks than they do.

Many search engine optimization (SEO) tools now provide link metrics to help you evaluate your backlink profile. You can also use these measurements to observe how your backlink profile has evolved over time. This piece will discuss the significance of some of the most prominent link-building metrics recently introduced by industry-leading SEO tools.

Link Metrics  




What is Domain Authority Score?


SEMrush has developed a metric called the domain authority score to evaluate the superiority of a website in terms of its SEO performance. Multiple indicators of credibility and authority go into calculating the final score. Using a neural network and machine learning, we ensure that the score remains accurate.

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There are two stages to the calculation:

First, SEMrush’s machine learning algorithm examines data from backlinks, organic search, and website traffic to deduce where the most popular and reputable domains fall in the search engine rankings.

Second, the other algorithm looks at a website’s authority in relation to its link count and determines whether or not the authority is growing as a result of the increase in links. On a scale from 0 to 100, this is the value. Only a select few websites have attained a domain authority of 98 or 99.

The following link metrics are taken into account:

  • Referring domains
  • Outbound links
  • Backlinks to the website
  • Each referring domain’s credibility
  • Inbound “Follow” and “Nofollow” links
  • Outbound “Follow” and “Nofollow links”
  • Referring IPs
  • Referring subnets

A website’s or domain’s authority score reflects how reliable it is. You can use the domain’s authority score to guide your search for high-quality links to incorporate into your SEO strategy. The domain authority score can help your search engine optimization efforts in several ways.

  • Understanding potential link building avenues
  • Competitor analysis
  • Analyzing prospective domains for purchase
  • Indicators to look out for in negative search engine optimization
  • Measuring the success of Your SEO Efforts

Rating of Toxic Potential


All toxic backlinks are ranked in order of their toxicity score in SEMrush’s backlink audit tool. More than 50 factors are used by SEMrush to determine the toxic score, which indicates how potentially harmful a link is. The most potentially harmful links will be displayed first.

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If a link has a high toxic score, you might want to add it to your disavow list. You can tell Google to ignore the disavow list if you want them to stop counting those links as referrals to your site. You can add a link to your whitelist if you find that it has a low toxic score. A “whitelisted” link is one that will remain active on the website. You can refine your search for audited links by using the tool’s Toxic Marker filters.

You can use the tool to automatically filter out results from pages with spam TLDs (top-level domains), for instance. With the help of the Target URL Error filter, you can find all the broken links in your profile that you need to either fix or redirect.



URL Ranking


A logarithmic scale from 0 to 100 represents the relative strength of a page’s link profile, and the URL rating displays this information. Domain rating is a more comprehensive measure of a website’s success than URL rating is of individual pages. It takes into account both internal and external links, though each is given a different weight. The Ahrefs URL Rating tool will only return the homepage URL if you enter your website there.

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Results on Google tend to be more favorable for pages with a high UR. The URL Rating in Ahrefs is calculated using Google’s PageRank algorithm. The following factors are used in determining an overall rating for a URL in Ahrefs:

  • Interpage links
  • Taking the “nofollow” attribute into consideration
  • Adopting a “damping factor”
  • Web pages are known as deep crawling

It’s important to note that Ahrefs UR is not meant to replace Google’s PageRank algorithm. When compared to UR, which has remained largely unchanged since its inception, PageRank’s development since its inception is remarkable.

Domain Rating


Domain Rating (DR) is a logarithmic scale from 0 to 100 used to evaluate the relative link popularity of different websites based on the strength of their backlink profiles. It’s also a good indicator of a site’s potential to rank well in Google search results.

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Domain Authority


Domain Authority measures the quality and quantity of inbound links to your website. The logarithmic scale is used to establish the value. Domain Authority was developed by Moz to provide insight into a website’s potential position in Google search results. Numerous signals, such as the linking root domains and the total links into a single domain, are used to infer a page’s potential ranking. Domain Authority (DA) in UberSuggest is calculated in the same way as in Moz.

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Domain Authority  


Moz created a ranking metric called “domain authority” (DA). How high a website is expected to appear in search engine results pages is measured on a scale from 1 to 100. Link Explorer, MozBar (Moz’s free SEO toolbar), and the SERP Analysis tab of Keyword Explorer are all good places to look for DA data.

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Domain Authority (DA) ranks websites according to the number and quality of inbound links they have received from other authoritative websites. A domain authority (DA) score of one is the norm for newly launched websites. If you want to increase your Domain Authority, SEO in general is where you should focus your efforts.

Page Authority


Moz’s Page Authority is a score that indicates how well a page will do in search engine results (SERPs). Higher scores indicate that a website is more likely to rank highly.

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Moz scape’s web index, the number of inbound links, and another fortieth factor are used to determine a page’s Authority. Because it is based on a machine learning algorithm, Page Authority can shift as the underlying data is updated.



Trust Flow


Majestic has introduced a new metric called “trust flow” to assess how reliable a given website is. Your site’s credibility will rise if it is linked to a reputable and trustworthy source. If a site has a trust flow score under 15, most search engine optimizers will avoid it. You can get a lot of links, but not all of them will be relevant to your site, making it harder to get a good trust flow than a citation flow.

Topical Trust Flow


If you want to know how credible a domain or URL is in its field, you can check its Trust Flow. Having more referring domains means a more reliable Trust Flow, as this metric takes into account the quality of the content that links to a page.

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Link Graph of Citation Flow 


A link graph is a visual representation of the local area network surrounding a specific website or URL. Following are some ways in which the link graph will be useful to you:

  • Check Link Networks
  • Check network authenticity and domain names
  • Analyze the success of your rivals’ second and third-tier links.
  • Determine which of your defunct links were most beneficial.
  • Customize your view of the Link Graph with the help of filters.

Conflict Over Link Profile 


Majestic’s Link Profile Fight feature lets you examine and contrast the traffic statistics of competing websites. Majestic’s homepage features the choice. Select External Backlink Profile or Referring Domain to examine the link profiles of two websites. Your Link Profile Showdown results will be graphically represented. This function allows you to examine two websites side-by-side in terms of their Trust Flow, Citation Flow, referring domains, external backlinks, and indexed URLs.

General Link Metrics


Follow or Nofollow?


A link between websites is essentially a “do-follow” link. That way, search engine spiders can follow the links across the web and figure out who links to whom. When one website links to another, some of that other site’s “link juice” or authority moves along with it.

By contrast, a no-follow link has an attribute in its code that instructs search engine spiders to ignore the link. It has the form rel= “nofollow”. According to Google, no-follow links pass neither PageRank or link to the linked page. This means that the rankings of your site in SERPS will not be affected in any way by the presence of such links.

Different Types of Backlinks


To improve your site’s position in search engine results, backlinks are the way to go. You can get links from other websites in a variety of ways, including editorial links, links in guest posts and webinar descriptions, links in guest blogger bios, links in comments, and links in acknowledgments.

While the majority of backlinks will improve your site, a small number can actually hurt its rankings and traffic. The link’s location and authority on your site are also important considerations. Therefore, regardless of whether the linking site provides a do-follow link, or not, place do-follow links in the text of your page to increase your SEO value.



PageRank is an algorithm developed by Google that ranks websites based on a number of factors, including the quality and quantity of links to the site.

Top Anchors


For maximum effectiveness, anchor texts should be placed near the beginning of a piece of content rather than at the end.

Referring Domains


The domains that link to your website from elsewhere are known as “referring domains.” Use the referring domains report in Ahrefs Site Explorer to find out which sites are linking to you.

Top Indexed Pages (total backlinks)


Web pages that receive a high number of spider visits and subsequent indexings are considered highly indexed.

Root Domains


You can view subdomains and the root domain with Majestic Site Explorer. Your website’s root domain is the top-level structure, and it is where all of your other domains and URLs will be located. Information from an entire website is at your fingertips.



If the first three bytes of two IP addresses are the same, then they are likely to belong to the same C-block. When this occurs, PageRank should give less weight to links between the sites because they are related.

Domain Strength


Refers to a website’s authority in its field, used to assess the value of inbound links from that domain and the challenge of competing with highly regarded sites.

Page Strength


The Page Strength metric was created by SEOMoz. Using this metric, you can find out how well a web page performs in search engine results pages (SERPs), how popular it is, how often it is linked to, and how often it is mentioned elsewhere online, all of which contribute to your understanding of the page’s importance and visibility. It’s an alternative to PageRank, another way to determine a page’s significance on the web.

Page strength takes into account the following aspects to produce a final score:

  • Links to the complete URL
  • Links to the Domain
  • Position in Google’s search results for the first four words of the URL’s title tag
  • Domain Age
  • .edu TLDs links
  • .gov TLDs links
  • Alexa Rank
  • Domain Visibility
  • Internal Link Percent
  • The total number of hits returned by a URL search
  • DMOZ (ODP) listings
  • Wikipedia Links
  • Google PageRank of Domain and complete URL

Anchor text


Refers to the actual words used in a hyperlink. Google has established rigorous standards for anchor text and penalises sites that violate them. When building backlinks, it is unethical to use exact-match anchor text or anchor text that is irrelevant to the content.

When determining a link’s relevance to its target content, Google takes into account both the anchor text and the surrounding text. Because of this, you may suffer negative consequences if you attempt to “trick” a search engine by changing the anchor text of your links.

Quantity of Links


The total number of links pointing back to a website is a good indicator of how popular and authoritative that website is. Quality, rather than quantity, of backlinks is now more heavily weighted by Google.

Relevance of Link


When discussing links to your site, the term “link relevance” describes how pertinent each link is. If you want to see any benefit from a backlink, it needs to come from a site that is relevant to your industry or subject matter.

Position of Link


Where you put your backlinks is where they will have the most impact. It’s better to place a backlink near the beginning of the main content rather than at the end.

Link Traffic


Clicks on a link posted on another website are referred to as “link traffic.”

Referring Page Age


The length of time that a website has been around can be an indicator of its reliability and legitimacy. There’s good reason to put faith in a website if it has many links from reputable sources that have been around for some time and remain at roughly the same location.

Quality of Referring Page’s Links (other links)


The value of a page’s backlinks is dependent on the quality of the links leading to it.


More opportunities to make money as a result of increased traffic, better link metrics, and more potential customers. If you want to have a successful link-building campaign, you should not purchase links. There’s no telling how the links will perform, and they could end up hurting you in the end.

Instead of focusing on amassing a large number of low-quality links, prioritise those coming from high-authority websites. Getting more links will come naturally if you produce high-quality content and promote it across multiple channels.

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